
  Why Max Products Work Almost all Max products contain a molecule called RiboCeine nutrition, a breakthrough nutrient in medical science. RiboCeine is based on 25 years of scientific research and was developed by the world-renowned research scientist and medicinal  chemist, Herbert T. Nagasawa, Ph.D.  Dr. Nagasawa was a Professor of Medicinal Chemistry and Toxicology at the University of Minnesota for forty five years and was also Senior Career Research Scientist for the Veterans Administration in Minneapolis.  For thirty-two of those years he was Senior Editor of the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. Dr. Nagasawa now serves as the Executive Scientist for Max International.  Why is RiboCeine a breakthrough in medical science? RiboCeine is a unique molecule that combines ribose and cysteine, nutrients that naturally occur in our bodies. RiboCeine once ingested will be absorbed, enter the bloodstream and deliver cysteine and ribose to the cells, supporting glu...